Madison Ruby Aug 01 - 02, 2024
CFP closed

The CFP closed on Jun 12, 2024 at 12:00am PDT

Thank you for all submitted proposals!

CFP Stats

74 proposals

We want to hear what it is that you're passionate about. We're not looking for someone to read their blog post to us, no offense. We're providing an entire black box theater and would love to see you use it to its fullest. A generic talk about Open Source Software is good but one detailing your personal experiences would be even better.

We want to hear about things that you think are or should be of interest to the Ruby Community. Do you care deeply about the state of Documentation in the industry and have thoughts about how it can be improved? We want to hear that talk!

In order to maximize your chances of being selected, we suggest that you follow these guidelines for your submission:

  1. Talks will be no longer than 30 minutes in length.
  2. Talks should be aimed at an audience of English-speaking Rubyists, whether the talk is technical or not.
  3. Speakers will need to deliver their talks in-person in Madison, WI, August 1st or 2nd.
  4. Talks must be free of hate speech, sexual content, and any derogatory language targeted at specific groups of people.
  5. Feel free to submit multiple proposals so long as the content of each is distinct.